Monday, 19 November 2012

Things are looking bleak

I only have a mere ten days to produce 2 artworks for the fanzine and to complete my group's final animation project for this year. It's unfortunate that I wasn't able to start early on the artworks because of the animation, and the fact that I have decided to re-unwrap and re-texture redeye has taken most of my free time. RedEye's existing textures have very low-res textures that's why they have to be redone. Luckily I've gotten familiar with 3D-Coat's UV unwrapping tool and Mudbox's painting tools, and they definitely making things easier(but never faster).

For the animation project, me and two other students have been assigned to produce in-game cutscenes that runs for a bout 5 to 10 seconds. Being the perfectionist that I am, I've been putting way too much work instead of just doing what is practical with the time we've been given.