Sunday, 18 March 2012

Began working on the head last week. I made a mistake when I cut out a large portion of the side vents, so it had to be rebuilt again. A few more mods includes a slight rebuild of the face by pulling it out by about 2mm and lowering the position of the chin. The cylindrical bands that hold the head vulcans(?) need to be made rounder at the back.

I've began work on shortening the torso. Took out about 5mm by cutting out the lower portion of the connecting frame, then cut out some of the upper portion of the abdomen.

The model currently stands at 18cm with it's feet straight. It might go down 17.??cm if I reduce the thighs but I'd rather keep the height where it is now. I should just widen it a bit to keep the proportions looking right. 

There is still some hope for a transforming core fighter  if I make room in the abdomen and making the armored canopy wider by a few millimeters. By doing that I can avoid making too many mods on the fighter itself since its a heavily jointed part.


One last look at my dearly departed GP01 version ka