Saturday, 31 December 2011

LT01-BOAR Recap

Here's what the model looks like in assembled form and as separate parts. I just finished working on the all important waist a.k.a. the polycap holder. By taking measurements form the actual polycap and then creating a 3D ruler in Blender(can't be bothered using blender units) I was able to recreate the same measurements in the 3D model. The waist ended up a bit narrower, around 1.5cm wide when it should be around 2cm, but I don't really see it becoming an issue. I'll be using Netfabb to get the final measurements for printing . Overall this should be around 19cm from the front skirt to the back hatch.

What concerns me right now is the amount of polygons required for the smooth areas. I need to find out if those areas really need more polygons or if I can simply get away with a low poly version and still get a "passable" smooth surface.

Thursday, 29 December 2011


After a year of idleness I feel like blogging again. My previous blog is proving to be a pain in the ass to recover that's why I'm back using blogspot.